Most companies in Brazil are of this type. LTDA is composed of at least two partners. The constitution of the company requires the execution of a social contract and its registration with the state commercial board. The differential of LTDA is that the partners’ liability is limited to the company’s capital. There is no billing limit for this type of company.


The SA company is one that has its capital distributed in shares , that is, a person, when buying a share, becomes a partner / shareholder of the company. A particular feature of SA companies is the possibility of issuing shares that can be traded on the stock exchange. This corporate type is divided into publicly traded (publicly traded) or private (non- publicly traded) companies. It is also not subject to any billing limits. You can go for the sales tax calculator by zip code there.

Microenterprise – ME

A micro enterprise is considered to be an enterprise that has gross annual sales of less than or equal to R $ 360,000.00.

What are the main types of taxes paid by companies?

For the company to start its activities, first of all it is necessary to have knowledge of the main taxes paid by the partners and owners of the companies. It is extremely important that the company’s accountant is up to date on the incidence of these taxes, so that the company maintains fiscal regularity.


IRPJ is the corporate income tax , collected by the Federal Revenue Service and charged to all legal entities and individual companies – registered or not – being calculated according to the company’s tax regime .

The calculation of the IRPJ is done according to the model chosen to declare the IRPJ, which are:  presumed profit, real profit and simple profit – model of tax regime that we will see in this post.


COFINS is a federal contribution that focuses on what the company invoices, for the purpose of financing social security.

Its calculation is monthly and may vary according to the regime defined by law: cumulative or non-cumulative and its rate may be 3% for the cumulative regime and 7.6% for the non-cumulative regime.

Small and micro companies that opt ​​for the Simples regime  are exempt from the obligation to pay this contribution individually.


The PIS is also a federal contribution, of a social nature, whose purpose is to collect the necessary funds for the payment of the bonus, unemployment insurance and participation in the revenue of the agencies and entities.

Private legal entities are taxpayers, and the tax will be levied on the company’s monthly revenue. Its rate may vary between 0.65% and 1.65%.


By Richard