When you work on a freelance basis you need the work to be available, but there may be occasions when you feel the need to turn down some of the jobs that you are offered. Here are just 4 reasons that you may want to turn down work as a freelance project manager.
Time is money
Whilst this saying might be true, there are some jobs that you might be offered as a freelance project manager that are simply not worth the money involved for the time that it will take. You need to be careful not to under-price yourself in this way, if the price is too low then the client is under valuing the skills that you have and this should be a warning bell to the potential of other unrealistic expectations that they might have from you for the project.
Good project management skills are worth paying for, so don’t take the wrong job, especially if it doesn’t pay well, simply to be busy – there will be other projects out there for you.
They want to “pay” you in another way
Whilst there is something beneficial to be said from bartering services from one business to another, working for “free advertising” isn’t one of these. If the client wants to pay you in this way, especially in the case of a very small business then this really will not represent any real value to you, and it is a good idea to walk away. Likewise, if they want you to work for free or a discount because it is for a “good cause” then you will need to consider just how much of your time this will take up. If the answer is “very little” then it can be a good idea to give something back. But, you need to remember that anything lengthy will cut into your potential earning time and this can mean it is necessary to turn a job down.
If the client offers you equity in their company but seems unable to pay you then there may be little value to the equity, and this may also be a job to turn down. Training for project managers isn’t cheap and your skills are valuable.
The occasional client
Some clients may be able to offer you regular projects to manage whilst others may have a one off or occasional project for you. Getting to know new clients takes time and effort it can be a good idea to choose those clients who are more likely to offer you more work over time rather than those who can only offer you occasional work.
You don’t “gel” with the client
It can be hard to get on with everyone in life so if you really don’t like the client then you may prefer to turn them down rather than accept a job where you will find it difficult working with the person you may need to discuss important matters with.
The benefits of project training is that you will have picked up those important skills that will allow you to occasionally turn down a job because it doesn’t feel right for you, knowing that there will be another opportunity along soon.